Proving and scaling the plant-fungi symbiosis, bringing Groundwork BioAg to soil improvement

Impact on yields of high value crops

  • +15% growth in tomato harvests

  • +17% growth in eggplant harvests

  • +20% growth in capsicum harvests

  • +25% growth in green pea harvests

Impact Benefits

Cloud icon with CO2 representing GHG sequestration

Permanent sequestration of carbon into the soil

Plant icon with roots

Nature-based solution

Volatile weather icon

Resistance against climate induced stress

Market research icon

Unlocking new revenue streams for farmers


increase in average crop yield


reduction in fertilizer use


reduction of phosphorus


reduction in water use

Alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • SDG 1 Icon: No poverty

    Plant/Fungus symbiosis increases rural incomes thru improved resource efficiency and yields

  • SDG 2 Icon: Zero Hunger

    Plant/Fungus symbiosis increases food security through improved crop resilience and yields

  • SDG 13 Icon: Climate Action

    Plant/Fungus symbiosis increases water & fertilizer efficiency, and permanent carbon sequestration in the soil

  • SDG 15 Icon: Life on Land

    Plant/Fungus symbiosis crucially preserves & regenerates microflora ensuring healthy and resilient soil systems

“EIP helped Groundwork BioAg gain initial traction with their vast network of local Indian farmer entrepreneurs. This proved invaluable to us in our market launch and in our ongoing commercial success in India, which constitutes Groundwork BioAg's largest market today.”

Dan Grotsky | Co-Founder and Chief Growth Officer, Groundwork BioAg